How to Meditate with Anxiety

How to Meditate with Anxiety and Crucial Life Challenges?

Let’s start with a simple straight question- what is meditation and why meditation is important?

Well, meditation is a tool that can help you relax, reduce stress and anxiety, and cope better with life's challenges. There are many ways to meditate. A simple definition of meditation is any activity that focuses your attention in a very specific way: on the present moment, with acceptance and without judgment (even if thoughts come up).

Why Use Meditation for Anxiety?

Meditation is a mental calmness training effective for relieving symptoms of stress and anxiety. Alongside Meditation, it is responsible for improving mood and reducing the activity in areas of the brain responsible for fear and anxiety. Meditation works to make you calm when you come across the hyped-emotional stimulation (being grumpy and stressed)


How To Get Started with Meditation?

Before you begin the meditation, take a few deep breaths. Let them out with an audible sigh if that helps you relax. Now bring your attention to the present moment, noticing where you're sitting and how your body feels against whatever you're sitting on or lying down on. If it's uncomfortable, see if there's some way to adjust so it's more comfortable.

Keeping your back relatively straight (you don't need to be stiff), let yourself sit however is most comfortable for you right now. If it feels good, close your eyes; otherwise, keep them open but focus not on what they see in front of them in space, but on your line of vision, looking slightly downward about six feet in front of you in space.

How mindfulness and meditation can change your way of thinking?

The definition of mindfulness is simple to understand but not always easy to live. Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment and nonjudgmentally. By practising mindfulness, we develop the ability to pay attention differently than many people who struggle with anxiety-related disorders such as phobias or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). 

For example, mindfulness helps us experience our thoughts and feelings without becoming overwhelmed by them. If you practice mindfulness for half an hour every day for six weeks, brain scans show that your brain will be structurally altered in ways that contribute to improvement in your well-being.

Try to Make Your Meditation Relaxing!

Try to make your meditation area relaxing so that you can actually relax while doing it. Once you are in a position, close your eyes and slowly start breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth, concentrating only on your breathing. You will find that focusing on just one thing is much more complicated than imagined but don't get frustrated!

How does mindfulness Calms Anxious Feelings?

"We can't stop the waves, but we can learn to surf."

- Jon Kabat-Zinn

Feeling anxious about life's changes is normal, but when anxiety begins to interfere with daily activities and relationships it's time to try something different. Mindfulness offers a range of tools for coping with anxiety, including increasing awareness of thoughts and feelings, coping with stress and cultivating peace of mind. Here are five ways mindfulness reduces anxiety:

 1) Mindfulness Creates Perspective
2) Mindfulness Helps in Making Powerful Decisions
3) Mindfulness Reduces Rumination
4) Mindfulness Builds Resilience
5) Mindfulness Reduces Unwanted Worrying Thoughts

Mindfulness Meditation Brings Your Attention into the Present Moment!

Mindfulness has helped many others to relax even in the face of fear and worry. Mindfulness is simply being aware of your experience as you're having it—what we call "mindful awareness." When you learn to take charge of where your focus lands, you can turn toward anything that captures your interest or concern.


1 Comment

  1. […] Well, meditation is a tool that can help you relax, reduce stress and anxiety, and cope better with life's challenges. There are many ways to meditate  […]


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